I’m Not Ready For This (Book Review)

I’m Not Ready For This

Anna Lind Thomas wants everybody to just calm down and give her a minute.  This collection of essays will have you laughing out loud and thinking, “She wasn’t kidding”.  I’m Not Ready for This is based on the author, and yet so relatable.

From her issues in parking lots, and her ankles that seem to give her many problems, you will be constantly laughing. Her relationship with her Mom is just beautiful, and with her Dad, it’s also very sweet. Anna Lind Thomas lets us all into her life, all aspects.

Curating Edits Review

“I’m Not Ready for This: Everybody Just Calm Down and Give Me a Minute” makes you laugh and feel like Anna Lind Thomas is another one of your girlfriends. She is another one of those friends that you cannot believe certain things happen to them, but they do. That’s what this book is like.

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This book was received in exchange for my honest opinion from NetGalley.