Melissa Rivers narrates “Lies My Mother Told Me”

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Lies My Mother Told Me (Audiobook Narrated by Melissa Rivers) Review

Cover for the audiobook Lies My Mother Told Me By Melissa RiversMelissa Rivers is the perfect storyteller. In a book about the stories her mom, the late, Joan Rivers shared with her. If you loved Joan Rivers, Lies My Mother Told Me is for you. You will laugh and cry hearing Melissa tell these tall tales.

Melissa tells the most outrageous stories. And to think that she had a front-row seat and that she believed such stories as a child. I mean it’s really funny to even think about. Melissa Rivers really paints a picture of what growing up was like. 

It’s wonderful that Melissa Rivers is back. And it’s good to hear her voice, she’s just as funny as her mom and it was comforting. The audiobook of Lies My Mother Told Me, is narrated by Melissa and it was such a treat. I was laughing, crying, and laugh-crying. I cannot even imagine what I must’ve looked like walking around with headphones in place just cracking up by myself.

It felt good to remember Joan Rivers. Lies My Mother Told Me, will have you reminiscing on all the times Joan and Melissa shared their funny dynamic on screen.

You can find this book in any bookstore by supporting  Click here to get your copy of Lies My Mother Told Me. For more audiobook reviews head to Curating Edits to check out the latest posts. I received this book via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. 

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