Last Sunrise in Eterna
Book review of Last Sunrise in Eterna by Amparo Ortiz. Sevim Burgos is out in Puerto Rico, collecting dead elves to avenge her father’s death. When Prince Aro, from the island of Eterna, sets a trap which then barrels into Sevim participating in the yearly Exchange.
The Exchange, where three humans are selected to enter Eterna and are given three challenges using the powers of the elves. This year unbeknownst to her, Sevim was the last-minute guest of who she thinks is Prince Aro. The same Prince Aro who knew she was a dead elf kidnapper and had set out to entrap her, who might’ve kidnapped her Mother to force her to take the invitation.
The Eterna Prince Aro
Things take a turn when upon arrival to Eterna Prince Aro is surprised to see her. He had no idea what she was doing there. That’s when Sevim starts suspecting something else is taking place during The Exchange. Will her newfound friends Jason and Ryujin help her figure out what is going on? Will she find out who kidnapped her mom? And what does her recurring nightmare truly mean?
No Spoilers
It’s important not to disclose more because I do not want to spoil it for the readers. This was a page-turner. As someone who lived on the island, it was touching to read the names of the cities, like Bayamon, Carolina, and Vieques. The author also mentions the Mall of San Juan. It was enjoyable how the author created certain events that did take place that were intertwined with this story. For example, the Naval Base and the damages that its presence caused the island of Vieques. Amparo Ortiz also does a great job of being inclusive with her characters in Last Sunrise in Eterna. Her storytelling is fantastic. This is my first time reading a book by this author, but it certainly won’t be my last.
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