30 Day Challenge: Embroidery Book Review

30-Day Challenge: Embroidery Book Review

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The 30-day Challenge book by Jessica Anderson is a day-to-day guide to learning new stitches and creating beautiful designs, teaching you dozens of stitches and giving you the instructions to create some amazing projects.

Perfect for Beginners

“The 30-Day Challenge: Embroidery” book organizes its projects by your level of progression. Anderson helps you create and learn stitches as you complete the project by following a reassuring step-by-step process.

Bold Butterfly embroidery project from the 30-Day Challenge: Embroidery Book from Jessica Anderson

Even before starting the embroidery projects, the author provides a list of the supplies you will need and a supportive message to help you embark on this creative learning experience. Don’t worry the book also explains how to transfer the templates. 30-Day Challenge: Embroidery is a well-rounded course for beginners.

Knowing your level of mastery, you can jump around and do the embroidery projects in the order you want. On the other hand, the way I felt more comfortable using this book is taking it from the beginning. Now having ZERO level of experience when it comes to embroidery, I was curious to try, since you never know what you can be good at unless you try it all.

Kinds of Projects

The easy-to-follow embroidery projects include a variety of cute modern motifs. There are flowers, birds, rainbows, and more. In addition, the 30-Day Challenge: Embroidery book includes 2 bonus challenges (more advanced). From start to finish, you will have all of the steps to complete all types of projects, and encourage you to venture out into moving your projects from your hoops to your clothes or tote bags.

Where to Find 30-Day Challenge: Embroidery Book

This blog post includes affiliate links which we identify with an asterisk (*). You can find the 30-Day Challenge: Embroidery Book by Jessica Anderson wherever you get your books from. If you would like to use our affiliate links, we at Curating Edits would appreciate it. If you’d like to order the book from AMAZON* click HERE*. If you’d like to order your book while supporting your local bookstores, click HERE* and shop at Bookshop.org*.

This book was provided as an ARC copy to CuratingEdits in exchange for an honest review from NetGalley.

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