Make Art or Die Trying

Make Art or Die Trying

The Only Art Book You’ll Ever Need If You Want to Make Art That Changes the World

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In Make Art or Die Trying, Stuart Semple, a multidisciplinary artist, entrepreneur, and activist, delivers an inspiring and accessible guide designed to ignite the creative spark within everyone. Semple’s belief that art is a universal tool for change underpins this book, making it an essential read for anyone looking to make a positive impact through their artistic endeavors.

Semple passionately argues that every human has an inherent creativity capable of transforming the world. He posits that art can alter perceptions, heal communities, and communicate in ways words often cannot. This ethos is central to Make Art or Die Trying, a book that not only educates but also empowers readers to embrace their creative potential and make meaningful art.

CE’s Book Review of Make Art or Die Trying

The book is beautifully designed, and filled with informative and inspiring content that demystifies complex art concepts from the 20th and 21st centuries. Semple breaks down influential movements and ideas such as happenings, performance art, Bauhaus, and Fluxus into simple, jargon-free explanations. This approach makes the book incredibly approachable, even for those with little to no background in art history.

One of the book’s standout features is its interactive nature. The DIY exercises and activities are not mere afterthoughts but integral parts of the learning process. They invite readers to actively participate in the conversation about art and its potential to effect change. These practical exercises are designed to be accessible and enjoyable, regardless of the reader’s starting point.

Semple’s writing is both motivating and thought-provoking, urging readers to not just consume art but to create it. His examples of artists who have used their work to challenge the status quo and inspire others to serve as powerful motivators. The book is a call to action, encouraging everyone to see themselves as artists capable of making a difference.

Make Art or Die Trying

Make Art or Die Trying is an indispensable guide for anyone passionate about art and its potential to bring about change. Stuart Semple’s enthusiasm and belief in the transformative power of creativity shine through every page, making this book a must-read for aspiring artists and seasoned creators alike. It’s not just a book; it’s a manifesto for anyone who wants to make art that matters.

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Thanks to NetGalley for providing us with a free ARC copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.